Cybersecurity introduces the tools and concepts of cybersecurity and encourages students to create solutions that allow people to share computing resources while protecting privacy. Nationally, computational resources are vulnerable and frequently attacked; in Cybersecurity, students solve problems by understanding and closing these vulnerabilities. This course raises students’ knowledge of and commitment to ethical computing behavior. It also aims to develop students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens, and employees who can effectively contribute to communities with a dependable cyber-infrastructure that moves and processes information safely.
Unit 1: Personal Security
Students learn the basic concepts of cybersecurity by leveraging their familiarity with the technology they use every day, such as mobile devices and apps, as well as exploring the risks associated with how they use their email, personal files, and social networking habits.
Unit 2: System Security
Students broaden their cybersecurity knowledge from a personal system to a networked system. They learn how to assess the value of information security and delve deeper into types of malware. They learn the security vulnerabilities of web services and how to secure an e-commerce site.
Unit 3: Network Security
Students learn the technical aspects of a highly networked world and the risks to information we all share. They learn the operating system and networking concepts, security frameworks, and packet analysis. They learn the types of malware that can attack systems on a network and how to secure and protect a system against them.
Unit 4: Applied Cybersecurity
Students explore cybersecurity in an applied field. They learn methods of cryptography and practice basic tenets of digital forensics. They process a crime scene to solve the mystery and explore the possible consequences of the crime.